- Poor Time Management: Not pacing themselves and running out of time.
- Neglecting to Read Questions Carefully: Misinterpreting the question due to a lack of attention to detail.
- Overthinking: Changing answers frequently and second-guessing themselves.
- Ignoring Key Words: Missing crucial words like “except,” “most,” “least,” or “first.”
- Inadequate Preparation: Not studying all content areas thoroughly or focusing too much on one area.
- Lack of Practice: Not taking enough practice exams to become familiar with the format and question types.
- Not Using the Process of Elimination: Failing to narrow down answer choices.
- Relying Too Much on Memorization: Not understanding concepts and relying solely on rote memorization.
- Stress and Anxiety: Letting nervous affect their performance.
- Ignoring Test-Taking Strategies: Not utilizing strategies such as looking for clues in the question or answers.
- Avoiding these mistakes can help candidates improve their chances of passing the NCLEX RN Exam.